Every year we see the web design world shifts. New design idea coming up and quickly adopted by the trendy designers over the world. Besides that, we also see some approach that were experimental back then, getting matured this year. In this post, I’m going share with you some design patterns that are trending this year.
I categorized this years trend into 7 main categories from the famous flat design to video as background. Continue reading to find out all of them.
1. Flat Designs / Solid color / Vector graphics
Without a doubt, the biggest design trend this year has to be the flat design designs. Flat style normally dominated by solid colors that together formed a unique color scheme, and also it has very subtle to low amount of texture and shadow, thus creating the flat impression. Besides, geometrical vector images were used to strengthen the flatness.
2. Big header background with text on top
Either blurred, or non blurred; with human or without human, big header background is an effective way to convey the mood and bringing the notion of what the website is about.
3. Grid/Block based design
Grid is good. Not only it makes the layout clean, it’s also essential in making website responsive. So from a desktop view of 4 column design, developers can shrink the column number down to 1 in mobile view. Another advantage of block based design is it allows users to do a quick scan on the content, for the site owner, making the site more compact and effectively reduces the site fold.
4. It’s all about conversion
Web users attention span is normally short and if you can’t convey your message the moment your website loads, you might lose your potential customer. Placement of the call-to-action button above the fold and effective copywriting is crucial in creating website for driving conversion.
5. Video as background
There is an increase number of websites, using video as website background. With the native support of video in modern browsers, putting video in a website is not a hard job. The advantage of video background is it makes your website alive and you able to communicate the message when the static text and images can’t do their job. Plus, it’s always fascinating to see moving visuals in web. But normally the videos are subtle or have some sort of overlay so that it won’t overtake the attention from the content.
6. Menu as menu
By nature in user interface world, menu normally presented in a word or icon, and content of the menu appears when you click it. For example the Window’s “Start Menu”. I noticed some websites dumped navigation bar in favor of the big menu button. Well, it solves a couple of design problem: First, making the site less clutter, thus visitors can focus on the content better and faster; second, responsive friendly.
There are several types of variation of this menu: One, similar to the hamburger menu where it slides from the left or right; two, the menu overlays on top of the whole layout.
7. Reading pleasure
So why are we surfing the net again? It’s about finding resources that could benefit us. Good design and typography can attract new and regular visitors and also increase credibility of the content. Websites that promote pleasure of reading normally in one column layout, very minimal and with careful attention to typography.
End Note
Above are the design trends that I want to introduce today. Well, from all of these trends, I found one similar idea, is that to make the website easier to use, faster to load, and viewable on big and small screens for everyone. Hope you enjoy this post and if you want to further research into the trends, please check out this post by awwwards!