As we all knew it, page loading speed is one of the crucial subject to measure the success of a website. As a user, we all love fast loading websites and if a website takes its sweet time loading, most of the people will lose patient and leaving the site. According to John Jersin, Product Manager of Google, he said that 1 second delay in loading time resulting in 7% loss in conversions.
These shows that how important to optimize your website and maintaining the loading speed to a satisfactory level. Here I am going to show you some useful tools to test your page speed. Read on to find out!
Pingdom Tools
I use this tool frequently to test the page speed. It mimics the way a page is loaded in a web browser and the load time of all objects is shown visually with time bars. With the bars, you will know which files that caused the slow loading.
Page Speed
This nifty tool is from Google Labs. The analysis is quick and it also gives suggestions on how you can improve the page speed.
Web Page Test
Web Page Test is also another great website to test page speed of your page. You can see your test result of how long it takes to fully load your page (from several locations and browsers), and get to know how to improve your website loading speed. Apparently this is also become a chrome extension too.
YSlow is a popular Firefox extension to test out page loading speed. It also provides you the grade and suggest areas for improvement.
With you can test your page’s loading speed from several locations around the world with different browser options. This website’s UI is nice too.
End Word
Above are the 5 really useful web tools to test your page’s loading speed. I think it is really great to have grades and suggestions so that we knew what’s not enough and need to improve. If you know any other similar great tool, please share with us by leaving a comment below.