I just successfully upgraded my blog to the latest WordPress 2.3 version. The latest version is much intelligent and the most important thing is the Tagging System is implemented. If you don’t know how to add it into your theme, just go to this site and they have a good tutorial on how to do it. I also putting in the Tag Cloud too. Because my blog has around 100 posts, it is going to take some time to tag all of them, and I have to think of re-categorizing it.
During the upgrade, the process is smooth and all the plugins is supported except Similar Posts. It gives me error message but luckily someone has posted up the solution, and now my Similar Posts is working like a charm as usual š . Try looking at the comment #159 or#161 for instruction.
And then I found my blog is getting messy. I’m thinking of changing to cleaner theme. But before that I should do the tagging job first! š