iOS Fabric Texture in Web Design

iOS Fabric Texture in Web Design

Apple is very popular for its innovative and cutting edge hardwares and softwares, and somehow they are the trend setter in terms of design. For example back in the days, the rising of the glossy button was inspired by Apple and now, the fabric texture in the Apple iOS.

The fabric texture was seen as the background for the app folders, as well as in the Maps app, when you click the page flip button at the bottom right corner. The texture is classy and subtle, and really fits well as background. Besides app, on the web world I started to see the fabric texture featured in some websites. Here I will show you 5 websites that uses iOS fabric texture as background.

Real World Examples


Matt Hamm
Matt Hamm





I believe there are more websites especially websites that related to Apple products that use Apple iOS fabric texture. If you are wonder how to create this texture, actually is not that hard. I found two tutorials that teach you to create this texture. Please read it at nclud and Elixir Graphics.

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