As a designer, we deal with types everyday and it is very natural that to look for free fonts on the web that is suitable for the design and brings out the right feeling. And with the modern web design, web fonts are getting more popular too. There are many ways and websites to look for free fonts but in this post, I will show you some tips and sites to look for quality free fonts and web fonts.
With these websites, you can find many free fonts quickly that might just suitable for your next project. Without further elaborating, please read on to check the sites out!
MyFonts and FontSpring
MyFonts and FontSpring sells premium fonts and also host free fonts from families! At MyFonts, you can find free fonts with two methods: one is by the Free tag or by searching the lowest price which is 0. While at FontSpring, you can find free fonts by just browsing the Families with free fonts page.
Behance has a lot of great type designers showcasing their great type designs. And I also realize it is a good place to look for quality free fonts too, by just using the search form with the keyword free fonts.
Font Squirrel
When comes to quality free fonts and web fonts, I have to mention FontSquirrel. It’s an ultimate site to look for good types, besides that, the @font-face kit and the @font-face generator are really nifty features.
League of Movable Type
At the League of Movable Type, you’ll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts. LOMT has a variety of good types and I really like the Chunk Five font.
Google Web Fonts
I never thought of finding open source fonts with Google before! But now with Google Web Fonts, not only can browse through the growing library of fonts, you can also download, test drive or just use it right away with their hosted service!
Above are the websites to look for quality free fonts and web fonts. One more thing, many Tweeters also tweet about links to download free quality fonts. You can track them by using the search term “free font“, and you will find those tweets! Basically this is it, hope you like the tips!