Where to find latest Web Design news & articles?

Where to find latest Web Design news & articles

As a Web Designer, one thing that I really need to thank is the news resources and articles that provided by various Web Designer blogs from all of the world. From there, I am able to expose myself to the latest trends and practices to make a better websites. News and articles like essential CSS skills, awesome jQuery plugins or cutting edge Photoshop techniques, we can’t just get enough of that! But there’s an issue. How to keep up with all the news and articles?

One of the obvious practice is to subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed and load them into your reader like Google Reader and Netvibes, but sometimes it can get too much and it’s hard to filter out. Well here I will share with you all on how to find latest Web Design news and articles from various design blogs in a place. The links are normally generated by popularity or bookmarked by community. Well lets find out!


Topic Fire

First up is websites. Smashing Magazine Network is a great destination to find various articles from popular design blogs in a place. Same goes to Topic Fire and Design Newz.

Tweeps to follow

Design Follow

Second is the popular Twitter! By following awesome Tweeps like below, you will have access to varieties of cool Web Design related links and articles.

Social Bookmark Services


Third is by surfing through the social bookmark websites like Delicious and Hatena Bookmark. Delicious is always my top place to find Design news and links, while in Hatena Bookmark, I can search for links from Japan Web Design blogs. Both of them are using tag system to sort articles out and simplify navigation.

User submitted articles with Digg-like function websites

Design Float

Design Float and Design Bump is also quite a useful websites to find news and articles related to Web Design and more with Digg-like voting feature.

Last Word
Above are all the links that I would like to share with you all. I hope they can help you to look for more useful Web Design links and articles. If you have any other great websites that I miss out, please do notify me by using comment form below. Lastly, hope you enjoy this article!

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