When comes to Web Design blogs, everyone will think of world popular blogs like Smashing Magazine or CSS Tricks. As a person that obsess with Japanese designs, I also go to Web Design blogs that originate from Japan. With my knowledge in Japanese language, I can generally understand the articles and posts from the blog. Actually there are quite a number of blogs and it is quite informative!
Below is the list of the Japanese Web Design/Development blogs below, some of the blogs had featured articles from this blog, really thanks to them. For others, it can be easily found on social bookmark services like Delicious and Hatena Bookmark. Web Design blogs from Japan are quite well written and from here, I can see the different ways of presenting the information compared with the English design blogs. Well enough of words, here is the list, alphabetically sorted.
CSS Happy Life
Design Walker
Kayac’s Designer Blog
Neta Chou
Photoshop VIP
PHP Spot
CodeR Uhuru
Web Creator Box
Web Design Recipes
Last Words
Here is it, a list of Web Design/Development blogs from Japan. I know all of them was written in Japanese and it is difficult for people who don’t understand Japanese. I suggest to use Google Translate to translate them to your favorite language.
And again, if there are other recommended sites that I miss out here, please notify me by using the comment form below. Thanks!