Pretty Boxy

As a designer we always wanted to be creative and think out of the box and breaking the grid. But in my opinion getting boxy in design is actually quite nice and pretty too. Boxy designs give me a feeling of professional, clean, and systematic. With boxes and standard grid, viewers eye can be easily guided which makes surfing website a pleasure experience.

Below are some boxy website examples. What do you think of this kind of web design?

CreativeDepart: Supporting Creative Journeys

CreativeDepart: Supporting Creative Journeys



Image Spark

Image Spark

Reform & Revolution

Reform & Revolution

TypeNeu: An Odyssey in Typography

TypeNeu: An Odyssey in Typography

S5 Style – Web Design Link

S5 Style - Web Design Link

UX Magazine – The User Experience Magzine

UX Magazine - The User Experience Magzine

Yongfook – Web Producer

Yongfook - Web Producer

Museum Theme

Museum Theme

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