Color is one of the critical aspect in any design field. Different color and give different feeling and meaning and different color combination can give different mood to the viewer too. Great selection of color and make the design memorable, while bad selection of color can bring misconception and disaster to the outcome. So for me, color is a very deep discipline and cannot take it for granted. But today I’m going to show you a selections of colorful websites that displays great example of color usage yet harmony in outcome.
Colorful does not just restrict to bright and cheerful color, for me even combination of cold colors can be considered as colorful too. To create colorful designs, one can use high contrast colors or complementary color to bring out the color sharpness, or by using analogous colors to create a more harmonic tone of colors. Besides, tints, shades, gradient, textures richness also can bring out the sense of color variety too. Ok, enough talking, now let the do the talking instead.