is a membership-based web templates provider. Their collection counts up to 250 templates currently (among them Flash, Flash Animated, CSS and HTML templates) and with a minimum membership fee of $49.95 you get access to all of them without limit (during 3 months). This is the first package. The other two are $59.95 for 6 months & $89.95 for 1 year. From $49.95 to $89.95 for 250 website templates is a very modest fee. This is the first part of their unique selling proposition (USP).
Overall, there are 45 categories of web and flash templates at LayoutsPack. The advanced search form and search by tags are unique helpful tools in the process of finding a necessary template. This is the second part of their USP.
Since the only available service from this site is a membership, the collection of templates is not going to decrease, but only to increase. So you don’t have to worry that you may lose something. All the web templates are available and accessible for all the members equally.
As for the quality of the website templates it is very high-grade. The layouts design is very challenging and catchy, bright and vivid. It seems like their web masters have done a great job composing these website templates.
Although the project has just been recently launched some grateful clients have already left their very complimentary testimonials. All of them have been left by web design studios or free-lance web designers – target customers for LayoutsPack.
Note: This is a sponsored review