Happy Valentine’s Day 2008 wallpaper

Happy Valentine's Day 2008 wallpaper

Time running fast, now is a brand new month February and Valentine’s Day is approaching too. What’s your planning and how are you going to celebrate with your love one? I’m a lonely little guy but decided to design a Valentine’s Day wallpaper to share with fellow readers out there.

My Valentine’s Day wallpaper has a very simple and clean approach, the main attention is the heart shapes which form the word “LOVE”. There is a cupid on the left and a kissing couple at the right side. I prepared several wallpaper resolution to fit your screen resolution. What do you think about the wallpaper? I hope you guys like it! šŸ˜€

Happy Valentine's Day 2008 wallpaper

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Finally, early greeting from webmaster of jay-han.com: Happy Valentine’s Day.

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