Sometimes the good and useful websites are not available in English or any language that we know, for example Japanese language. It could be very frustrating if you think that the information could be useful but you can’t even understand the article. So, translation tools comes in handy in this kind of situation. Here I found three smart ways and tools to help you translate Japanese to English.
Batch Translation
There is several translation engine out there, and by just using one it is not sufficient because it may translate badly. With batch translation tool, you can translate a paragraph with more than one translation engine at the same time. You can compare the translation results and be more clearer on what it actually means.
I found two websites that offer such service, they are: Cross Translation (9 translation services) and which uses 10 different translation services. You just copy and paste in the words or sentences to the field and it will generate the English translations. But please make sure you select “Japan to English” before pasting.
1-click translation by Google
Google Translate is one of my most frequently used translation tool because it is simple and easy to use. Now it is even simple with the 1-click translation service offered by Google. Just go to the Translate Tool page and drag the “Japanese to English” to your browser toolbar shown above, which I’m using the Firefox browser. By now, when surfing Japanese sites and wish to translate, just hit the “Japanese to English” button, and it will do the job for you.
Quick TransLation – Firefox plugin
This is very handy tool, when you need to check the words that you don’t understand. Just download and install the Quick TransLation add-on tool with Firefox. Now you can just by highlighting the Japanese words you wish to translate and it will popup the translation dialog. Very convenient and quick. Besides that, this tool also capable of translate many other languages too.
Here is the three tools to help you translate Japanese languages. With this tool, it is also very useful to people who want to learn Japanese. Well if you interested in translating Japanese Kanji/Hiragana/Katakana to Romaji, Kanji Converter is the tool to use. I used this site a lot when converting Japanese lyrics to romaji. Not to mention that this site also able to translate Japanese to English too!
post header credit: photo by Grandchildren