With the booming of the Internet, we came to a stage where information obtaining is so much convenient nowadays. Like web designers, using the web as main source of information and resources is a very natural thing. But, the information available out there is so much until I think it is impossible to bookmark and remember all those great sites. However with the existence of super lists, it makes the designers’ life much easier!
I stumbled upon 4 sites that collecting sites that links to useful resources, articles, and tutorials across different kinds of fields, for example CSS, color schemes inspiration, free stock images, fonts, gallery showcase, Photoshop tutorials and many many more. These 4 sites are a must bookmark for all web designers. Read on to get to know what 4 sites they are.
For Webdesigners
As the title suggests, a site dedicated to all web designers. New links are being added daily.
Web-developer’s handbook
Although targeted to developers, but it is also beneficial to web designers too. A site maintained by Vitaly Friedman.
Blue Vertigo | Web Design Resources Links
This site doesn’t scroll vertically but horizontally. A huge list concentrated on stock photography, as well as other resources for design convenience.
Veerle’s Blog – Interesting Links
A lists of links that found by the popular blogger and designer Veerle. Concentrating on CSS related resources links.
Thanks Thomas for sharing the great link.