If you have watched quite some Japanese Dramas probably you will heard of this “Getsu 9” term. Getsu 9 or 月9 (pronounce as Gekku), is the prime time ‘golden hour’ drama series on Fuji TV, and normally it will be the spotlight drama of the season. It was named “Getsu 9” because the drama was aired on Monday from 9.00pm to 9.54pm, and it was very popular because of the high rating achievements too.
The term “Getsu 9” was created in 1995, when an author who compiled the drama profiles that aired on Monday 9pm, and announced it on a TV Forum of NIFTY-Serve. And during that time, there was no “Getsu 9” to be heard but a potential recognition of “Nine o’clock of Monday is interesting (月曜9時が面白い)“. After then, Monday 9pm was recognized as “Getsu 9”, and become the prosperous name for Fuji TV dramas that aired on that time frame.
TOP 10 Average highest rating “Getsu 9” drama
- 1. Hero – 2001 – 34.3%
- 2. Love Generation – 1997 – 30.7%
- 3. Long Vacation – 1996 – 29.6%
- 4. Under One Roof – 1993 – 28.2%
- 5. Asunaro Hakusho – 1993 – 27.03%
- 6. Under One Roof 2 – 1997 – 26.97%
- 7. Sugao no mama de – 1992 – 26.97%
- 8. Yamato Nadeshiko – 2000 – 26.38%
- 9. Kyoshi Binbin Monogatari – 1989 – 26.0%
- 10. PRIDE – 2004 – 25.2%
Until 2007, the regular actors and actresses that has acted in the most “Getsu 9” dramas is Mikami Hiroshi (三上 博史), Nakayama Miho (中山美穂) and Takuya Kimura (木村拓哉). All three of them each acted in 7 “Getsu 9” drama. While Itoh Misaki (伊東美咲) had participated in at least one “Getsu 9” drama for 5 years in a row, which she as main actress from two of them.
While the “Getsu 9” drama for 2006 and 2007 are:
- 2006: Saiyuki, Top Caster, Sapuri, Nodame Cantabile
- 2007: Tokyo Tower, Proposal Daisakusen, First Kiss, Galileo
From the 8 drama I mentioned above, I watched 5. One of them is the current airing Galileo, which is I think is the most interesting drama of the autumn season 2007. The rating is pretty good too, averaging 20% above. But currently “Getsu 9” drama’s rating had gone down generally, maybe because of the Japanese lifestyle had changed, so a TV drama with rating 20% and above is consider very good.
To know more about detail on “Getsu 9” dramas, please check out this フジテレビ月曜9時枠の連続ドラマ Wikipedia entry.
What’s your favorite Getsu 9 drama?