7 Web 2.0 badges vector download

7 delicious web 2.0 badges vector free for download!

Today, I will give out the my latest vector collection which is 7 different styles of badges vector, all free for download! šŸ˜€ As you can see, the 7 badges each I created is unique shapes and styles, read more to take a clearer view of 7 of it.

To make the series special, I put some effort on the last badge. I used some Japanese pattern and sunshine to design it, the result is not bad right? The most important thing is the shape of the badges, the graphics inside are the possibilities of designs, you can always change it to make it yours. This time I provide EPS format for download, I think EPS is more convenient right? Many vector softwares can read EPS, but I recommend to use Illustrator CS2.

The bigger view of the badges

Download 7 Web 2.0 badges vector | EPS | 1.9MB

Badges are so Web 2.0

The title is quoted from this article. Indeed, badges are important elements in Web 2.0 designs. It is cute, eye-candy and can attract visitors eyes to it. Below are some examples of application of badges. To view more examples, check out the link provided earlier.

Badges is the trendy graphic in Web 2.0

There is a lot of Web 2.0 resources out there which is worth to take a look listed below:
