7 Delicious Web Design Galleries

Web design gallery is the great inspiration place for many designers and enthusiasts. It showcases the best sites that combines both usability and aesthetics of design. Getting listed in one of those could be a great honor to the firm and the designers. Here, I present some of the sites that showcases the great web designs and each gallery is unique on its own, read on!


Think flash inspiration, think FWA. Established in year 2000, it recognises and listed the best flash websites on the net. Check out the FWA Hall of Fame too.


Displaying both CSS and Flash based nice websites in a very neat way. Every websites have their own tags for easy reference and categorization.

ColourMod Galleria

Besides its color picker tool, it has a gallery that showcases the colorful web designs. The colors of listed websites are really standout from the black dominated background.

Design by Grid

As the title mentioned, the gallery here is a resource to promote websites designed with grids. Plus, it also has tips and tricks to make full use of grid on designing the web.

Feed My App

Need web 2.0 inspiration? Then you shall not miss this website. This website showcases the web 2.0 apps and sites over the world. Very clean website, and a permanent web categories on top for easy navigation.


There is a lot website name that ends with “-ous”, like Del.icio.us, Flickrlicio.us, Script.aculo.us.. and now Screenalicio.us. Screenalicio.us is the web’s new premier source for showcasing excellent websites. More than 9000 screenies currently and growing!

Patrick Haney’s Web Design Inspiration

It is no strange anymore to use Flickr as archive or something else. But this person use it to archive the great web designs that he found. He actually managed to screenshot the old Haveamint website, which i think is better than the current version. Thanks!

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