100 best typefaces presented by FontFont

Today morning I stumbled upon to a great site, which is “Die 100 Besten Schriften” or “The 100 Best Typefaces”, presented by FontFont. Sadly the site is not in English (in German), but the most important is the font name is still recognizable. I knew 8 of that top 10. Helvetica deserves to be the no.1 because it was so influential in typography history, and even there is a movie dedicated to this font. Another font I like is Futura. Very nice, stylish and future feel! Well, with this list, certainly you can gain a lot of typography knowledge. Be sure to bookmark that page! Here I listed out the top 10 out of 100 of that list.

The top 10 fonts:

  1. Helvetica
  2. Garamond
  3. Frutiger
  4. Bodoni
  5. Futura
  6. Times
  7. Akzidenz Grotesk
  8. Officina
  9. Gill Sans
  10. Univers

Credit: SmashingMagazine, Wikipedia

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