Trend Alert: Flat UI Design

Trend Alert: Flat UI Design

In the recent years of Web and UI design, there are a lot of design examples that are visually stunning, with sense of depth and mimicking the real life objects. But in the year 2013, a design style has gotten into attention and become a rising trend: the flat UI Design.

Flat UI designs are usually minimal, less sense or absolutely no sense of depth, less gradient and more solid color fields, and huge white spaces. The visual components are usually straight forward, clean interfaces and uses flat icons as well. Continue reading to find out some examples of the flat UI designs.

Flat UI Design Example


Minimal Monkey


Layer Vault

It's a Shape Christmas

More Flat Design Examples

Well, indeed flat UI designs are really fresh and give a new perspective of how we perceive user interface. To find out more inspiration, check out the sites below:

Discussions about flat UI design

The flat UI design styles sparks up many conversation and discussion within the design and development industries. Below are some of the blogs and sites for your reading:

End note
Well in my opinion, I really like the notion of flat UI design, it’s refreshing and clean. It’s a very good design style that focus on the essential and removes the clutter of the unnecessary. Again, not all design works suit the flat style, so please adapt the trend wisely.

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